On October 18, representatives of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter — the Academy of Sciences) went on a working trip to Abay region. The delegation of the Academy got acquainted with the work of the Nuclear Medicine and Oncology Center. The main goal of the meeting is to strengthen bilateral cooperation, as well as increase the scientific potential of the region.
Lyazzat Eralieva, Vice-President of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and the management of the center discussed important changes in the country aimed at comprehensive support and development of science in Kazakhstan, as well as the main priorities of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan.
Nuclear medicine and oncology center facilities are available. The work of the specialized medical monitoring unit, which receives patients, as well as the morphology and clinical diagnostics unit, where all important laboratory studies are performed, was shown. The «TrueBeam» line accelerator, brachytherapy device, gamma therapy devices, as well as unique computer tomography devices with virtual simulation function distinguish the center from others.
An important part of the meeting took place in the radioisotope diagnostics department. Using various radiopharmaceuticals, high-tech examinations of patients are carried out in positron emission tomography devices combined with a computer tomograph, as well as in a single photon emission computer tomograph. In this department, the Vice-President of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Lyazzat Eraliyeva met with nuclear medicine doctors and invited young specialists to actively participate in scientific activities.
«Kazakhstan has great opportunities for young specialists to become acquainted with science. In addition to state support, there are many foreign grants and projects that help to expand and realize their scientific potential. Therefore, we invite all young specialists, especially specialists in a unique field such as «nuclear medicine», to be active in science. The National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan is also ready to provide all support,» Lazzat Eraliyeva said.
Concluding the meeting, the representatives of the National Academy of Sciences highly appreciated the technical capabilities and scientific potential of the Center and noted that bilateral cooperation has great prospects.

Dear media representatives, we ask you to provide informative support for this event!
Arman Kudaibergen — Press Secretary of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, +7 707 266 66 95