International cooperation is an indispensable aspect of the activities of the Academy of Sciences. The cooperation ensures the exchange of knowledge, resources and expertise, allows joint research on global challenges, ensures the quality of research, supports capacity-building and strengthens the influence on science policy.
The National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan is open to cooperation with foreign national academies of sciences, research institutions and other international organizations in all areas of science development.
Within the framework of international cooperation, the Academy expands its scientific contacts and strengthens the reputation of Kazakhstan in the world scientific arena. Special attention is paid to establishing ties with Kazakhstani scientists engaged in scientific activities abroad and their active involvement in developing domestic science.
Partners academies
International organizations partners
Mukhtarova Anar Nuridildaevna
Director of International Cooperation Department
Shakerbayeva Botagoz Kassymbekkyzy
Chief Expert of the Department of International Cooperation