Al-Farabi University expands scientific ties

The chairman of the board-director of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi Zhansit Tuimebaev met with the Vice President of the National Academy of Sciences under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Lyazzat Eralieva and a doctor of biological sciences, the Oreno National Center for Research of Primates, professor of the US Stem cells Shuhraht Mitalipov.

The parties considered new opportunities in the implementation of joint goals in the field of higher education and science, and discussed areas of cooperation.

Zhansit Tuimebaev told the guests about the achievements and plans of the university, and also shared the experience of cooperation between the treasury with foreign universities and scientific centers.

“After receiving the status of a research university, the treasury named after Al-Farabi enhances the priority areas of science. To date, university scientists have developed 100 innovative projects. Currently, work is underway to promote and commercialize scientific papers. At the same time, in order to develop education and science, we are actively working with leading foreign universities, ”the rector said.

In turn, the guests expressed gratitude to the rector for the attention and interest of the further integrated strengthening of cooperation.
