Every nation has its historical figures who have made significant contributions to the development of the state.
Always Being First
Among them are leaders who hold a special place in the hierarchy of public recognition. For Kazakhs, such a unique figure is Kanysh Satpayev – a scientist, academician, patriot, and the founder of modern Kazakh science. This extraordinarily gifted individual, possessing encyclopedic knowledge, had a special mission – to be at the origins of Kazakh science.
You can read the full text of the article by the President of the National Academy of Sciences under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Akhylbek Kurishbayev, on the page of the online publication «Kazakhstanskaya Pravda» at the following link: https://kazpravda.kz/n/aktualnost-nauchnogo-naslediya-akademika-kanysha-satpaeva/