Express its deepest condolences to the family and loved ones on the passing of the President of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan Bekhzod Yuldashev

The National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan expresses its deepest condolences to the family and loved ones on the passing of the President of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, academician, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Bekhzod Yuldashev.  

Academician Bekhzod Yuldashev was an outstanding scientist who dedicated his life to the study of fundamental laws of nature and their application in various fields, including nuclear physics and energy. His scientific works and achievements have been highly regarded not only in Uzbekistan but also internationally. Bekhzod Yuldashev actively participated in international scientific projects, representing his country and making significant contributions to the advancement of global science.

Under his leadership, important experiments were conducted at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (USA) and at the TRIUMF accelerator (Canada). His work at CERN, on the Large Hadron Collider, became an integral part of the international scientific community. Academician Bekhzod Yuldashev left a rich scientific legacy, including more than 400 scientific papers, and he trained a generation of highly qualified scientists.

Bekhzod Yuldashev was internationally recognized as one of the leading scientists in nuclear physics and was awarded numerous prestigious honors, including the State Prize of the Uzbek SSR and the ESO International Award. His contributions to science were recognized with honorary doctorates and memberships in various international academies.

The bright memory of Bekhzod Yuldashev will forever remain in the hearts of his colleagues, students, and all who knew his scientific and personal qualities. He will forever be remembered as one of the pillars of global science, whose contributions will endure eternally.

The staff of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan