Kazakhstani company produces aircraft for 200 thousand dollars

The Kazakhstani company produces light -engine aircraft that can make a continuous flight from Astana to Almaty. The aircraft cost is 200 thousand dollars, Tengrinews.kz reports.

Aviamaster Aircraft, located in the Almaty region, has already manufactured four aircraft. Three of them were purchased by Kazakhstani agricultural producers, and one is prepared for sending to Russia.

According to the company’s press release, the four-seater Arai Agro aircraft has a flight range of up to 1,200 kilometers at an altitude of up to 4200 meters. It works on automobile gasoline A-95, adapted for operation in Kazakhstan, does not require hangar storage and prepared runways. The dump truck is equipped with standard amphibious floats «Susha-water» and skiing for operation on water or snowy areas.

“The aircraft costs 200 thousand dollars, but when working for 200 thousand hectares, he pays for himself in 2.5 years in Kazakhstan,” says Dauren Valiev, director of Aviamaster Aircraft LLP, in an interview with Tengrinews.kz.

At the same time, Valiev emphasizes that the company is engaged in not just a screwdriver assembly of aircraft, namely production. “We produce planes. The Canadian company supplies to us a set, which includes rental sheets, from which we then cut out details, make wings, fuselage. They send us some details that we cannot do here. This is all the American quality of the highest sample, we do not have this, ”says the director of the enterprise.

Answering the question whether the Arai plane can fly without landing from Almaty to Astana, he answered: “Easy. This is verified. To Kostanaya, for two ravies, it can fly, it is 2 thousand kilometers. ”

As noted in a press release, the aircraft can be used to transport passengers and goods, to control the state of power transmission, oil and gas pipelines, aviation patrols of state borders, aeroheophysical exploration of minerals and for other purposes. In a word, the plane is universal, and as the director of the company states, the plane can be useful 360 days a year.

It is also reported that in cooperation with the Scientific and Technical Park created at the Kazakh National University, Airmaster Aircraft LLP is preparing a project of cluster serial production of Arai agrosymlets entitled “People’s Aircraft”, with the placement of small enterprises in large-air assembly and maintenance of agricultural sections Arai Agro in Karaganda, Petropavlovsk, Kyzylorda, Kostanay.

“The principle of the People’s Air Project is that we can easily place production anywhere in Kazakhstan. You can even assemble a plane at the service station, ”Valiev says and notes that the company is ready to provide service and even established a pilot training system in Almaty.

Writes https://tengrinews.kz/markets/kazahstanskaya-kompaniya-proizvodit-samoletyi-200-theisyach-254180/