Foresight 2024

Foresight 2024

In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Science” No. 407-IV dated February 18, 2011, NAO “National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan” under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan carries out foresight studies on the development of science and technology, including the formation of recommendations to identify priority areas of scientific, scientific-technical and innovation activities, as well as priority areas of strategic, fundamental and applied scientific research in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

As part of this work, the Academy holds foresight sessions with the expert community to discuss promising areas of science focused on solving problems of the real sector of the economy, which will be used in the formation of priority areas of public funding of science.

In the National Development Plan of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2025 (Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 15, 2018 № 636) in Task 7. Development of own scientific-technological and innovation base, the need to determine common technological benchmarks in priority areas for science, business, education, expert community, government agencies and development institutions is noted.

In conditions of limited resources it is necessary to prioritize the directions of scientific and technological development, to ensure the linkage and coordination of priorities implemented by scientific organizations and the real needs of companies, as well as the consistency of actions of key participants in the process (scientific, academic, business community and the state).

In 2024, the NAO “National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan” under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan conducts foresight studies in the context of the following directions:

Sustainable development of agro-industrial complex and safety of agricultural products
Geology, extraction and processing of mineral and hydrocarbon raw materials, new materials and technologies
Energy and mechanical engineering
Life Science and Health
Information, communication and space technologies
Rational use of water resources, fauna and flora, ecology.

You can familiarize yourself with the results of the works carried out so far and if you have any proposals on technologies that can be considered as key for increasing the competitiveness of the country and improving the level and quality of life of society, as well as topics of priority tasks for science, please send them to:

  • e-mail address: qazscience24(at) (with a note — proposals for consideration within the foresight),
  • or contact us by phone +7 701 338 9004 (Elena Shevchenko).