


As part of foresight research, the Academy holds foresight sessions with the expert community to discuss promising areas of science aimed at solving the challenges of the future, technological problems of the real sector of the economy, and the needs of the regions.

The results of foresight-sessions will be used in the formation of priorities for grant and program-targeted funding.

If you have proposals in terms of priority tasks for science, focused on solving existing problems and challenges, as well as the prospects for future scientific and technological development, we ask you to send your proposals and recommendations to the e-mail address:

  • qazscience24(at) (with a note — proposals for consideration within the framework of foresight)
  • or contact us by phone at +7 701 338 9004 (Elena Shevchenko).

Foresight-session on priority direction of science development “Rational use of water resources, flora and fauna, ecology”

On June 26, 2024 the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan together with the Akimat of Pavlodar region held a foresight session. During the session the issues of functioning of the regional Council on Science and Technology, participation of representatives of scientific-academic sphere, industry and governmental structures in foresight research, as well as challenges and possible priorities of scientific research in the direction of “Rational use of water resources, flora and fauna, ecology” were considered.

The foresight session was held on the basis of NAO “Toraigyrov University”. The session was attended by representatives of the akimat, heads of universities, leading researchers, heads of backbone enterprises, representatives of associations and other stakeholders.

The results of the foresight session will serve as a basis for determining priority areas of science development, distribution of grant and program-targeted funding, as well as the development of programs and plans for scientific and technological development.

Presentations of the foresight session of June 26, 2024 are here

Photo and video materials of the foresight session here

Foresight session in the direction of “Mining and Metallurgical Industry and New Materials”

June 5, 2024 the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan held Foresight-session “Prospects for the development of science and technology in the direction of mining and metallurgical industry and new materials”.

The Foresight session was attended by leading scientists, representatives of industry associations and industry of Kazakhstan. The participants discussed global and domestic trends, challenges and barriers, promising technologies, as well as developed proposals on the topics of tasks for science, the solution of which will improve the competitiveness of the industry through the introduction of advanced domestic developments.

The results of the Foresight session will be used in the work on substantiation of priorities for grant, program-targeted funding, as well as in the development of programs and plans for scientific and technological development.

The event was held with the support of Nazarbayev University, which is an advanced research and educational center of the country, which contributed to the involvement of leading researchers and specialists.

Presentations of the foresight session of June 5, 2024 are here

Photo and video materials of the foresight session here

Foresight-sessions in the directions of “Information and Communication Technologies” and “Space Technologies”

June 21, 2024 NAO “National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan” under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan held foresight-sessions on the directions of “Information and Communication Technologies” and “Space Technologies”.

Foresight-sessions were held with the support and on the basis of the Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilev and gathered leading scientists, representatives of industry associations and companies.

June 21, 2024 NAO “National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan” under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan held foresight sessions in the areas of “Information and Communication Technologies” and “Space Technologies”.

Foresight sessions were held with the support and on the basis of the Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilev. The foresight sessions were attended by D.R. Scheglova, Vice-Minister of MNVO RK, heads of key IT and space companies of the country, leading researchers, representatives of industry associations and universities.

The participants of the sessions emphasized the need to develop a national strategy and long-term plan for the development of science in the field of ICT and space technologies, discussed promising areas of scientific research, as well as challenges and barriers to the development of ICT and space in Kazakhstan.

The results of the foresight sessions will be used to justify priorities for allocation of grant and program-targeted funding, as well as in the development of programs and plans for scientific and technological development.

Presentations of the foresight session of June 21, 2024 are here

Photo and video materials of the foresight session here

On May 30, 2924, a foresight session of young scientists was held.

The foresight session is primarily aimed at young scientists to discuss global trends in the development of science and technology, the challenges of the future, the prospects open to Kazakhstani science and possible risks associated with the development and implementation of new technologies. Young scientists considered possible scenarios of future development, trends and emerging new market niches.

The foresight session addressed the issues of accelerating the development of new technologies, global trends and challenges in the biotechnological revolution and digital industry. The participants of the foresight session were asked to fill out various questionnaires, including in the areas of “Life and Health Science”, “Sustainable development of agro-industrial complex and safety of agricultural products” and “Information and Communication Technologies”. In conclusion, young scientists discussed issues of promising technologies, challenges and barriers, as well as tasks of science necessary for transition to a new level of work.

The session resulted in recommendations on the main technological trends that can affect scientific activity in the near future.

Presentations of the foresight session of May 30, 2024 are here.

Photo and video materials of the foresight session here

Foresight session in the direction of “Life and Health Science”

On June 28, 2024 the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in collaboration with Astana Medical University and Karaganda Medical University held a foresight session, which discussed global and domestic challenges, promising directions, barriers, risks and opportunities for research in the field of life sciences.

The session was attended by Almagul Amangeldinovna Kauysheva, Director of the Department of Science and Human Resources of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Anar Akylbekovna Turmukhambetova, Rector of Karaganda Medical University; Kamalzhan Talgatovich Nadyrov, Rector of Astana Medical University; university staff, heads and leading researchers of industry research centers and laboratories, representatives of medical companies and other stakeholders.

Presentations of the foresight session on June 28, 2024 are here

Photo and video materials of the foresight session here

Presentations of the foresight session of June 11, 2024 are here

Photo and video materials of the foresight session here

Foresight-session “Prospects for the development of science and technology in the direction of Energy and Mechanical Engineering”

On June 4, 2024 the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan held Foresight-session “Prospects for the development of science and technology in the direction of Energy and Mechanical Engineering”.

The Foresight session was attended by leading scientists, representatives of industry associations and industry of Kazakhstan. The participants discussed global and domestic trends, challenges and barriers, promising technologies, as well as developed proposals on the topics of tasks for science, the solution of which will improve the competitiveness of the industry through the introduction of advanced domestic developments.

The results of the Foresight session will be used in the work on substantiation of priorities for grant, program-targeted funding, as well as in the development of programs and plans for scientific and technological development.

The event was held with the support of Nazarbayev University, which is an advanced research and educational center of the country, which contributed to the involvement of leading specialists in the field of energy and mechanical engineering.

Presentations of the foresight session on June 4, 2024 are here

Photo and video materials of the foresight session here