The sphere of education and science of the country is under the special attention of the Head of state. On April 12, 2023, the Head of state held a meeting of the National Council for Science and Technology under the President. The President stressed that “all the successes in the history of mankind have been achieved owing to knowledge” and “especially in the current era of advanced technologies, no progress is possible without science”. Therefore, recognition of the importance of science for stimulating economic growth and improving citizens’ quality of life is a requirement of the time.
With the support of the President, significant investments are being made in research and development aimed at promoting technological progress and innovation. The modernisation of scientific organizations began, the number of internships in the leading scientific centers of the world increased. The field of science is becoming more attractive to young people. As a result, scientific cooperation is developing, international experts are involved, and various initiatives are being implemented to strengthen the research infrastructure.
Continuing this course, domestic science is faced with the task of becoming the vanguard in the modernisation of the national economy. In this regard, by the order of the President, the Academy should become the center of scientific thought and an authoritative structure carrying out expert activities. The most important position will be the impeccability of the reputation and status of the National Academy of Sciences, becoming a catalyst for real scientists who will make every effort for scientific research and benefit society.