Earth, space and communications sciences


The scientific field «On Earth, Space, and Communications» represents an interdisciplinary area that encompasses a wide range of research and technologies related to Earth, outer space, and methods of information exchange


The research focus is on combining advanced scientific knowledge and technology to solve global challenges facing humanity.

This includes the study of processes occurring on our planet, such as geology, climatology, ecology, and geophysics. Research may cover topics such as:

  • The study of Earth’s resources (minerals, water resources, etc.).
  • Analysis of climate change and its impact on the planet.
  • Natural disasters (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods) and the development of methods for their prediction and prevention.
  • Ecological research aimed at sustainable development and environmental protection.

The study of the universe beyond Earth, including astronomy, space physics, and space engineering. This section addresses:

  • Research on the Solar System, galaxies, and exoplanets.
  • The development of space technologies for deep space exploration, satellite systems, and interplanetary missions.
  • Study of space weather and its effects on Earth.
  • Issues of planetary colonization and the use of space resources.

This component is related to the study of data and information transmission on Earth and in space. It includes:

  • Communication technologies based on satellites and space vehicles.
  • The development of the Internet of Things (IoT) and its applications in various fields, including space and Earth monitoring systems.
  • Progress in telecommunications, 5G, and other new communication standards.
  • Research on quantum communications and other advanced methods of data transmission.